02 62974115


  1. The project started late 2015 and finished early 2017.
  2. A total of just over 6000m3 was used in the project with multiple highly specified mixes including high strength, high slump, low shrinkage and early high strength mixes.
  3. Largest concrete pour was 800m3 using a Low Shrinkage S32 post tension mix, going through 3 concrete pumps.
  1. QPC supplied the concrete for the IKEA warehouse only.
  2. The project started early 2015 and went for approximately 8 months
  3. There was a total of 5500m3 of concrete for the project.
  4. The main mix was a highly specified 40MPa low shrinkage burnished mix.
  5. Largest pour was 190m3 and was off the chute.
QPC Projects
  1. QPC supplied the concrete for the IKEA warehouse only.
  2. The project started early 2015 and went for approximately 8 months
  3. There was a total of 5500m3 of concrete for the project.
  4. The main mix was a highly specified 40MPa low shrinkage burnished mix.
  5. Largest pour was 190m3 and was off the chute.

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QPC Projects
QPC Projects

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Fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec. Vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas. Egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices. Purus semper eget duis at. Nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in. Magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu.